Friday, July 23, 2010

Why blog?

Some say it's their outlet. To some it's for sharing their story. For others it's a way to keep people in their life updated. The list goes on and on and the better question becomes rather "why not blog?"

The sole purpose of this blog is for women who can share and relate to a desire to find contentment. Perhaps it's something that you've felt before but have lost. Perhaps you experience it everyday and don't want to lose sight of it. Or perhaps you've never felt it and desire so badly to.

I am not a therapist or a professional by any means. I'm simply a modern day woman with the same daily challenges that many women face. I'm on this journey that we call life as well. My pursuit of lasting happiness and contentment is just like yours. I hope that my words, thoughts and experiences can be empowering, encouraging and helpful to you on your journey.

Thought of the day: What does true contentment look or feel like to you? (btw: there are no wrong answers)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Lookin' good!!! I love the layout and it goes without saying that you're such a talented writer. I'm excited that I get to read more about you, beautiful. :) xoxo

  3. I love you beautiful blondies! xoxo


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